We are your Southern California partner in estate administration and estate protection.

Advance Health Care Directives/Powers Of Attorney Assistance

A comprehensive estate plan is about more than just your assets. It should also cover your future health care plans. It is important to establish an advance health care directive and a durable power of attorney to secure your desired medical treatment and financial support in case of an accident or illness.

Our attorneys at The Probate House L.C. can guide you through the process to ensure the correct documents are in place.

What Is Covered In An Advance Health Care Directive?

Advance health care directives, or living wills, inform physicians and family members about your health care wishes when you cannot clearly communicate such desires for yourself. When experiencing sudden incapacity, this document outlines your preferences for medical treatment and interventions. Our document goes into great detail to assist your chosen agent, or health care proxy, in making medical decisions that are consistent with your wishes if you become incapacitated.

The most common purpose of the document is to direct physicians about your preferences for life-sustaining measures. Advance health care directives can also list preferences for medication, nutrition and hydration, resuscitation and DNRs. In addition, it can help provide guidance to your agent on your final wishes regarding burial, cremation, and body or organ donation.

Avoiding Conservatorship

Illness and injury can cause stress for everyone involved. It is common for arguments to surface among family members regarding medical treatment. It is especially important to have an advance health care directive to enforce your health care wishes when contested matters occur.

An advance health care directive may avoid a conservatorship altogether, or at a minimum, nominate the person of your choosing to serve as conservator and inform the court of your wishes in the event it becomes necessary.

What Is A Durable Power Of Attorney For Financial And Property Management?

A durable power of attorney for financial management names an agent to make financial decisions related to your nontrust assets in your name if you become incapacitated. The appointed individual may also have access to your checking and savings accounts, sign for disability payments and write checks to help pay for your care, and manage your bills and real property if you do not have a trust in place.

The power of attorney role is flexible and can provide your agent with as little or as much authority as you are comfortable with. Our document is very detailed to ensure that your individual needs and circumstances are addressed. Similar to the advance health care directive, it may also nominate a conservator to handle your finances if an argument or contested matter arises which cannot be resolved without a court’s intervention.

The power will only affect the management of assets that are not held in your trust. Any assets held in your trust will be managed by your trustee. A trust is another document that may avoid the need for a conservatorship. Determining who is most suitable to handle your personal or financial affairs when you are no longer able is an important decision. A lawyer can help you in making an informed decision as to who you want to be in these particular roles taking into consideration the level of authority and responsibility allowed in your planning documents.

Secure Your Medical And Financial Future Today

These documents and other estate planning tools can be helpful at any age. Contact our office in Torrance, California, to ensure that your medical and financial affairs are in order.

Reach us at 424-452-2375. You may also fill out our online contact form for more information.